Funny Out Of The Ordinary Questions To Have On A First Date

Funny Out Of The Ordinary Questions To Have On A First Date | Hello Molly

Funny Out Of The Ordinary Questions To Have On A First Date

You might be a true veteran of love or new to the whole dating game, no matter what you do on a first date, true signs of success all depends on the connection you have with the person, (beyond that make-out session of course). 

In order to benefit from a successful first date, avoid the dreaded 'oh, what do you do for fun?' and 'so how's the weather in your area' kind of questions. Ask questions that are funnier and deeper than the dreaded go-to's. We've compiled 20 Q's of funny and meaningful conversation-starters that are guaranteed to get the ball rolling on your first date.

Pick a few and see if they work!


Credit: NBC

What did you do this weekend? 

Yeah, this one seems obvious but it's a telling one that gives you a good idea of the person. I.e., did they brunch? Run a 10K or threw their BFF a birthday bash or just sat on their couch like a potato. If it's the latter, the relationship is probs not going to work out. 


Is cereal soup? Why or why not?

Is it food? Is it a soup? I mean, we pour milk in a bowl. It's cold like chilled tomato soup.... WHAT IS IT!?!?!?


What's the best vacation you had? 

Different vacation styles isn't a deal breaker for a relationship. However, if you love a relaxing beach resort but your date prefects a super stacked itinerary, you might want to know! Talking about travel memories (aka probs some of the best experiences) is solidly fun, and wo knows, maybe you went to the same tourist sites in Japan. 


What is the sexiest and least sexiest name?

This copywriter loves the names Kipton and Nicholas. Least sexy names? Meh, not sure.


Credit: CBS


What's something you believed in, but a little embarassed to admit it right now? 

Yeah we can laugh off our high-school scene and punk phases (so mid 2000s!). However, the people whore are constantly challenging themselves to grow is a good indicator of someone's personality and drive to work through issues. 


What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

Fact of the day: Did you know that a healthy human body has enough fat in it to make seven bars of soap? You learn something every day! 


How do you feel about (Insert random big thing and event)?

Knowing that you both have a grasp of major current events AND they don't have shitty opinions about certain political views is important. Also you want to make sure they haven't been living under a rock for the past eight years. 


What part of a kid’s movie or series completely scarred you?

Does anyone remember the Aussie series "Round The Twist"? Some of the plotlines were more than wacky. I think some of us who grew up with it, still have nightmares. 



Credit: NBC


What's your astrological sign? 

Yup, star sign compatibility is a major thing at Hello Molly HQ. What's more important than knowing if they are a grounded Taurus or a fiery Leo is that if they're the person who will judge you for reading your daily horoscope. It's all fun and games!


In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?

God Google knows all in times of crisis! 


What's a food you hate irrationally? 

Normal Answer: Coriander because for me, it tastes like perfume in my mouth. 

Run-for-the-hills: Every pizza in the world. (Like WTF, run and don't look back!)


What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?

From personal experience, have you seen soccer players try to kick a ball while drunk? It's ridiculously funny and probs make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved! 


Credit: Disney


What's your opinion on (a small life issue you're having RN)? 

It's obvious, but we advise you now to unload heavy, superpersonal issues to a stranger. However, if you're generally unsure how to deal with pesky roommates or co-workers and it's the forefront of your mind, it doesn't hurt to ask. Having a second opinion can help with putting things in perspective for you! 


What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?

Stop with the "Yo Mamma" lines. They're getting old! 


Are you a morning or a night person?

Can your date chill and talk from 6:30pm until 3:00am or squeeze in a 40 min workout, a shower, and make breakfast between 5:00 - 6:00am? It's not the biggest hurdle to overcome, but it's nice to get a sense to see if you're lifestyles match up. 


If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

For me? Probably nabbing several chocolate boxes without paying... cuz I love chocolate? 


Credit: CBS


What's something you're dying to try? 

It can be sexual or life-changing like sky-diving. This low-pressure small talk can either offer common ground between your prospective partner or make it clear you're not meant to be. 


What secret conspiracy would you like to start?

I'm curious... what conspiracy theory would you start and how would you put it into motion? 


Who'd you vote for?

Self-explanatory. Best be with someone who shares the same views as you. 


What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

You'll both be in hysterics or mortified for one another afterward. It's a great way to relax and have a laugh. 


Good luck on the dating scene babe. We're rooting for you!